Dancing Matt

October 27th, 2006, 2:49 pm PDT by Greg

I recently StumbledUpon a video that captivated me for some reason: Where the Hell is Matt?

I know this is the second dancing video I have posted. Maybe it’s a theme? Anyway, it strikes me that there’s something very right with the world because this guy exists.

In the second video (the one at the other end of that link), there is a clip of him dancing on the Kjeragbolten (which probably means something in some language). There is apparently a 1km drop from that rock before you hit anything (and I don’t think it really matters what you hit at that point—it could be a million nerf balls and you’d probably still die). I’m not exactly afraid of heights, but you wouldn’t get me on there if I was wearing a climbing harness tied to a bulldozer. But that isn’t true of everybody. There are many Kjeragbolten images on Flickr.

One Response to “Dancing Matt”

  1. Kat Says:

    I think Greg loves this video because Matt dances like Greg does, only all around the world.