It rains hard in North Carolina

May 7th, 2006, 10:15 pm PDT by Kat

Holy crap does it rain hard here. It’s nothing like the misting in Vancouver. It’s more like the torrential rains of Los Angeles when it actually rains. We were caught out shopping for household stuffs (pots, cooking utensils, pillows) when the sky decided to open up and pour. Once we got home it was actually nice to listen to the rain, but running through it with bags of purchases was not so nice.

Oh yeah, and Greg sent us into a small panic at the mall. About 40 minutes after we got there, he realized that he didn’t have the car key. Since we have a rental car, the key has the make, model, color, and license plate number of the car on the key ring. So of course, we ran around the mall trying to find the key – stopped back at stores where he tried stuff on, back-tracked to where he took a picture of a chocolate fountain for Suyoko, checked in with a store’s lost and found, and finally went back to the car to see if he had dropped it there. All this was going on, and we realized that Enterprise Car Rental is not even open on Sundays, so if we can’t find the key, there’s noone to call. Even if CAA/AAA unlocked the door for us, we wouldn’t be able to start it up to drive it! Luckily, we found the key lying next to the car door! Too much excitement for 1 day.

Tomorrow we move to our summer apartment!

One Response to “It rains hard in North Carolina”

  1. eugene Says:

    Greg’s memory isn’t as good as it used to be, eh? Haha, he’s getting old!

    (All the usual old folk are graduating, so since Greg’s still around, now I get to bug him.)