As some of you know, but we haven’t mentioned here yet… Kat and I are heading to China for a vacation. It’s the first travelling Kat and I have done together for a long time: all of our travels for the last few years were to-and-from North Carolina.
We’re leaving April 13 and starting the trip with three days in Hangzhou, which is where Zhejiang University is: the home of our Dual Degree Program. Janice is there, as are a bunch of students I know from CMPT 120. It will be nice to see them.
But mostly, after a thousand meetings talking about the DDP as an abstract concept, I want to see the damn place. Hangzhou is supposed to be one of the places Chinese people go on vacation in China, so I have a good feeling about getting to hang out there for a few days.
Then, we’re going back to Beijing and joining a tour, “Yangtze Interlude”. Our tour has day 1 == April 16, so you can do the math if you really want to figure out exactly where we are on each day.
The tour is pretty much “tourist highlights of China”. Since I have never been to China, that seems appropriate. I have also never been on a package tour. I suspect that somewhere around day 13, I’ll hear myself say something like “we already saw three ancient temples; why the hell would I want to see another one?”
Anyway, several of the hotels on our itinerary claim to have Internet access, so I’m hoping we’ll at least be able to post updates here and perhaps some pictures.
April 6th, 2009 at 12:57 pm
Enjoy! China is on our list of go-to destinations as well… Allison has lived in Hong Kong (as a kid), but I’ve never been. I will be very interested in hearing your impressions!
April 6th, 2009 at 4:11 pm
Ooooo! Maybe after we get back, we’ll finally make it down to Portland, or you guys can come up here! We can eat our way around town (whichever one we’re in!) and tell you all about the trip. I also want to hear about your trip back to Belgium!
April 10th, 2009 at 8:25 am
oooh, I’m so jealous. I hope you guys have a great time! Eat some of those yummy BBQ pork buns for me.
April 13th, 2009 at 4:14 pm
Woo! 😀