Damn you rain!

June 12th, 2006, 7:26 am PDT by Kat

For the last two nights there have been severe thunderstorms in the area. Came in to school yesterday, and found two of my juvies dead. I think they may not have known to get out of the rain and got water-logged as the rain here comes in pretty fast and hard (not like the Vancouver mist). Not really sure. They were all eating and drinking, so I don’t think it was that. Keeping a very close eye on the others. It’s supposed to rain all day today, so we can’t go out to catch. We could, but whenever it rains the night before, there never seems to be any birds around, so it’s not really worth it. Hopefully it’ll clear up this afternoon, and we can try catching then.

The starlings are all doing well. Half of them have started molting, so I’ve been “scoring” their progression through molt.

We have one of our quarterly animal care inspections tomorrow, so Adam and I will be cleaning out the starling room today and tomorrow morning. I’ve decided to clean the walls this time, and then hang white plastic garbage bags on the walls afterwards. That way we can just replace them whenever it gets too gross, and we don’t always have to scrub the walls, just the floor. Will try to remember to take pictures of the disgustingness.

I’ve finally uploaded some of the pictures of my feeders/traps and birds to Greg’s gallery. The first two (feeder and potter traps) are not in the correct orientation, but I don’t know how to fix it. Look at them side-ways.

I somehow managed to get a small bug bite on the small of my back sometime yesterday. Not sure how. Anyways, that brings the bite count to 30, I think.

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