There has been a lot of perfectly justifiable concern about what I described as black mould in my bathroom. Having taken a closer look, there is more going on there. Here’s what happened…
At some point, there was a leak from a pipe, or the apartment above, or something. A Chinese Mr. Fixit was called. Some of the ceiling was chipped away, and replaced with possibly roofing tar. That’s the black centre of the mess: it’s not angry mould.
The surrounding smear is mould from the leak. But, since the whole building is poured concrete, it’s only in the paint, and cannot possibly be deeper. If I try to clean it, the mess will just aerosolize, with the cheap-ass paint. (A DDP student relates that it comes off with a gentle rub to remove simple dirt: it’s basically tempra paint from kindergarten.)
So I return to my my original plan of action: live and let live.
February 21st, 2013 at 5:59 pm
I’m enjoying following this adventure.