
July 25th, 2009, 9:41 pm PDT by Greg

While the aforementioned ice cream sandwiches were being made, this is what was going on outside:

Lightning Big lightning Lightning

Click the thumbnails for the full images. I managed to get some nice pictures with a tripod, one second exposures, and some persistence. As the storm passed and the sun set, this happened:


Edit 07/26: Katkam (no relation) pwned me due to vantage point: sunset, fireworks.

2 Responses to “Lightning”

  1. Eunice Says:

    holy crap, Greg!! those are fantastic! we had a similar storm here yesterday and on thursday night. epic!

  2. Angelica Says:

    :O Wow, you got LIGHTNING pictures! (I just exclaimed this at my computer screen 20 secs ago, but realized you couldn’t hear me from Japan) Good job 😀