Shanghai Day 0

April 21st, 2009, 8:18 am PDT by Greg

This morning was dominated by the flight from Beijing to Shanghai. [KS: In the airport I had TCBY for the first time. Funny how it’s in another “C”. :)]

After landing, we went out to Zhujiajiao, which is a little village with Venice-like canals. It was like the Hutongs from Beijing, but much less overrun with tourists. Nice. [KS: What was a little sad was that up until the 1990’s this little village was pretty much an unknown to tourists. During the APEC conference the mayor of the town invited the foreign dignitaries to visit his “real Chinese village”, and from then on it was a destination for tourists. Many of the homes were converted into tourist shops, tea houses, restaurants and food stalls. It would be interesting to see how the locals that are not directly associated with tourism feel about having many tourists come to their fishing village.]

Tonight, we saw the Shanghai Acrobats, which was very good. It was as good as Cirque de Soliel, without the higher-end production.

That’s it, I guess. The food here has been much more interesting than Beijing. The guide here [KS: Molly] seems nice too.

Tomorrow… well, I don’t know, really. I’m too tired to read the itinerary.

One Response to “Shanghai Day 0”

  1. Eunice Says:

    Pick me up a couple of postcards please and thank you? You don’t even have to mail them… just hold onto them and I’ll pick them up at Christmas. 🙂