I had to skip my first 376 lecture today. There was a perfectly socially-responsible reason for it that I’ll try to write about on Friday. For now, I’m tired, and annoyingly addicted to American Idol.
So for today, I will present the crack cocaine of Flash-based online games: Spin the Black Circle. Play it. Do it now. There is a runthrough on YouTube if you’re really stuck on a level (but try to keep the cheating to a minimum).
I finished it (level 24) over the weekend. Kat was making impressive progress through it the last time I checked in. Any game that can captivate both Kat and I must have something going for it.
February 14th, 2008 at 4:04 pm
I blame you for the non-progress of my thesis…
February 15th, 2008 at 12:37 pm
[…] On Wednesday, I went down to Surrey to facilitate sessions for CMPT 120 there. Diana Cukierman usually does the sessions (with somebody from Learning Commons), but she couldn’t go. I’m maybe the only other one who know the CMPT 120 session well enough to lead it. Thus, I had to miss CMPT 376, as I said earlier. […]
February 18th, 2008 at 11:23 pm
I, too, blame you for at least an extra year or two in grad school. My office mate and I spent a good day playing Line Rider. Since you are the grand master of flash, you probably already know of Portal:
Beaming goodness.
April 20th, 2010 at 12:23 am
Cool what u wrote about really made my day! (ok i know u must think im a retard haha!) Sorry for my bad english! Enjoy a couple of online games! decent