
August 23rd, 2006, 8:58 pm PDT by Greg

We just got to Lunenburg. We checked in to the hotel and went over to Oli’s parents’.

What’s the word I’m looking for here… “remote”. It’s like an hour drive from Halifax to Lunenburg (where we’re staying) and another hour to Oli’s parent’s, all down nasty little two-lane roads. Driving back to the hotel at midnight remined me that I have gotten soft—that was a weekly thing when I was in high school, and I thought nothing of it. Now, I’m old and worried about hitting deer.

One of two things is clearly true: (1) there’s something cool out here, and they’re trying to keep it a secret, or (2) there’s nothing out here that anybody wants to drive to.

Since Lunenburg is a UNESCO world heritage site, I’m still holding out hope for (1).

But, Oli’s family is fun, and it promises to be a good few days with them.

2 Responses to “Lunenburg”

  1. Kat Says:

    We drove down “nasty little two-lane roads” because our GPS was trying to take us to Oli’s parents’ place by the quickest route possible – which was short-cutting on these tine roads. If we had thought it through, we would have stayed on the Lighthouse Route and all would have been better. Luckily, we figured that out half-way there! And, their house is amazing, and Oli’s family is extremely nice and fun – especially since we keep inviting ourselves over for dinner!

  2. Eunice Says:

    Take lots of pictures, esp of Oli’s parents’ view from their house! I want to see this beautiful view.