Move Completed

June 9th, 2006, 1:31 pm PDT by Greg

I just Swiffered and got the last stuff out of the old place on Pender. I just have to go back and drop off the keys with Scott.

I left the place really clean, if I do say so myself. There’s something satisfying about actually cleaning a place well, in a way that isn’t really possible when there’s stuff in it. He’s going to have to look pretty hard to keep any of my damage deposit.

It turns out that when you’re evicted for “change of use” in BC (which we were), the landlord owes you a month’s rent (for moving expenses, etc.). So, at least I get some money back out of the deal: a month-and-a-half rent, minus whatever damages he finds.

Now, all I have to do is unpack here. I’m increasingly thinking about how much I actually need out of the boxes. I think a lot of it’s staying right where it is.

One Response to “Move Completed”

  1. Eunice Says:

    Dinner next week before I go to Pittsburgh/TO/Ptbo?