Bite tally

June 1st, 2006, 7:28 am PDT by Kat

I’ve decided to start a bug bite tally. I did this a couple years ago when I went to the Phillipines for 4 weeks . I think on that trip I got up to 50-something bites. Or maybe it was 80-something. Don’t remember. Anyways, that was in the “city.”

I’m definitely going to top that this summer.

Day 1 in “field”: 4 bites (2 feet, 2 wrist)

Day 2: 4 bites (1 hand, 3 arms) [total: 8 bites]

Day 3: 2 bites (2 arms) [total: 10]

Day 4: 12 bites (see previous post if interested in where) [total: 22]

And so it begins…

5 Responses to “Bite tally”

  1. Noah Says:

    I got the first bite of my trip lying in the lawn in front of Parliament Hill on Tuesday.

  2. Jen Says:

    Holy crap, woman! 22 is a lot.

    I often get a lot of bites (well, a lot at least in comparison to other people, not quite 22!) and people will say, “Oh, that must mean you have sweet blood,” to somehow try and make you feel better. Yeah, not so much, but thanks for coming out.

    So Kat, you must have -really- sweet blood! 😉

  3. Kat Says:

    It’s so sweet they come from miles around just to bite me! I’ve slathered on Benedryl cream like it’s lotion, so I’m not so itchy anymore!

  4. Kelly Says:

    22 bites is child’s play.

    I spent my summers in Thunder Bay where the blackflies were so bad you’d have blood running down your neck and you wouldn’t even notice it. I remember one time scratching at my hairline at the back of my neck and pulling my hand back literally covered in blood and thinking, “hum. I should go into the lake to wash that out.” Not running and screaming like any normal person (i.e. someone not living in Thunder Bay) would. On the upside, blackfly bites don’t itch, they just bleed.

    And hey. If my hives continue, we can have a contest to see who gets more bumps. 🙂


  5. Kat Says:

    Now I’m paranoid that I have Lyme’s disease. I have a bit of a headache and my muscles ache a bit, but that could be due to getting up at 4 in the morning. One of my bites (from yesterday) kinda has a bull’s eye look to it. Hard to say though because 1) I’ve gotten fairly dark and 2) react a LOT to insect bites. I’ll see how it looks tomorrow, and then ask the people in the lab what they think. I’m going to go and buy something with DEET in it.